Wenmans at Gun Green

I saw a message asking for information about Wenmans living at Gun Green which interested me as my mother was born at Gun Green in 1910 and I have a painting of the cottage at Gun Green which my mother had done from a photograph. I believe there were a large family of Wenmans, discovered from genealogy searches. I would be happy to share the information I have. My father was also born in Hawkhurst in 1900 and attended the Moor school and we donated a tree for the playing field after their deaths.

2 responses to “Wenmans at Gun Green”

  1.  avatar

    Hello Jennifer

    It was me that posted the message about Gun Green and the WENMAN family – my husband’s mother was a WENMAN and her father – Ernest WENMAN – was born at Gun Green in 1883.

    I would be very happy to correspond with you but I don’t know how to have a private conversation with you without telling everyone my email address!

  2.  avatar

    I was so pleased to receive your reply , thank you especially as I have seen Ernest’s name on the family tree prepared by my son in law.Like you, I don’t know how to contact you privately, but I will give you my mobile number and perhaps we can go from there. [reveal tel] . We can then exchange email addresses.Thank you, Jennifer Armson.

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