Below are listings for village stores in Hawkhurst and the surrounding area ...
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Rolvenden 5.2 miles from Hawkhurst
01580 241 314
‘We are a freindly family run business, delivering freshly made to order sandwiches , with variety of grocery , household products and wide range of chiller choices, We also have an in house post office branch for all your main banking needs.’
Northiam 5.3 miles from Hawkhurst
01797 252 535
We’re a family owned independent local convenience store offering quality local food & produce, fresh & seasonal foods as well as great local deals & special offers. Open 7am until 8pm Monday to Saturday.
Robertsbridge 4.6 miles from Hawkhurst
01580 880 480
A village store and Post Office offering a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, locally sourced meat products and in store bakery. The Post Office is open during all shop hours,6 days per week 7am-7pm. We are closed on Sundays.
Taxi services, local taxi long destination.Airport transport, wedding late night pickup. Up to 7 passengers, please contact.
Listed in: Taxis
I saw a message asking for information about Wenmans living at Gun Green which interested me as my mother was … more
I’m trying to establish, who the publican was of the Royal oak pub between 1962-1964. Or the manager at that … more