Below are listings for jewellery in Hawkhurst and the surrounding area ...
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Cranbrook 3.7 miles from Hawkhurst
01580 712 970
07771 603 216
We are buyers / sellers of antique gold and platinum jewellery. We also deal in modern fine diamond jewellery in gold / platinum. Also happy to purchase scrap gold and platinum,including broken and unwanted pieces and coins for repairs and alterations. We have a small but increasing line in vintage clothing,bags,shoes and hats,fur coats for … more
Taxi services, local taxi long destination.Airport transport, wedding late night pickup. Up to 7 passengers, please contact.
Listed in: Taxis
I saw a message asking for information about Wenmans living at Gun Green which interested me as my mother was … more
I’m trying to establish, who the publican was of the Royal oak pub between 1962-1964. Or the manager at that … more