
Bakeries in Hawkhurst

Below are listings for bakeries in Hawkhurst and the surrounding area ...

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The Lighthouse Bakery School

Ewhurst Green 4.2 miles from Hawkhurst
01580 831 271

Are your cookery skills more ‘Can’t Cook – Won’t Cook’ or Masterchef? Either way, a short break combining cookery instruction with the glorious surrounds of The Weald of Kent and Sussex could just be the tonic. Day 1. Book yourself into The Lighthouse Bakery School in Bodiam which offers a diverse range of exciting one-day … more

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Yozi's Taxi Services
Yozi's Taxi Services

Taxi services, local taxi long destination.Airport transport, wedding late night pickup. Up to 7 passengers, please contact.

Listed in: Taxis

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Hawkhurst 10k & 5k
Hawkhurst 10k & 5k

The Moor, Hawkhurst

Message Board

Wenmans at Gun Green

I saw a message asking for information about Wenmans living at Gun Green which interested me as my mother was … more

Royal Oak Public House

I’m trying to establish, who the publican was of the Royal oak pub between 1962-1964. Or the manager at that … more

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